2 Jun, 2022
Lockdown started in the year of 2020, the year started off as a nightmare for people as a virus known as corona virus as emerged in the city of Wuhan in China, this was said to be the start of a deadly fast spreading virus that spread through human contact, as a result of this the virus spread throughout the world with passengers carrying it while travelling. There was a hike in the cases in Mumbai due to which not only Mumbai but also everywhere in the world was facing complete lockdowns and quarantines. Travelling was restricted and people were strictly warned to not step outside their houses until required, resulting in the work from home scenario. Offices were shut down and people were given to orders to work from home in order to not hinder the working flow of companies, only important offices such as banks and essential stores such as medical and grocery stores were open, this was the initial phase of lockdown and people were positive about going back to work in a while as they thought the virus would be brought into control soon, although the working class suffered, in the initial phases people who were doing work from home absolutely loved it as it didn’t require them to travel or to leave the comfort of their house, Mondays also seemed like Sundays, despite a good start things started to take a turn soon enough, after a short while of working from home, people started feeling pressurized in order to work, there was absolutely no restricted work hours for people, people had to start working at any given time as it was working from home, no amount of particular time was given as it is done in offices where once we leave for home there is a full stop to it until the next day. This slowly start turning into a full time working hours real quick, it was seen on social media as mems passed fast, about having to work all time, with very restricted activity to go outside people started feeling the pressure of work from home, to be in a corner of your house and having to work all day, people reported feeling low, and heavy, the bills which had already been piled up due to using of electricity by all members of the house because everyone was ordered to stay home, lockdown for people quickly became a nightmare. People although going through so much has to keep working as some companies had started to shut down due to people being restricted to the spending of money, as companies were shut down, people were thrown out in the blue by the company due to bankruptcy, to hang on to dear life people started working more in order to keep their place in the company as some of them were the bread earners of the family, the people working required a proper laptop which they had to arrange for and a proper working wifi, the bills did keep on pilling up, the loosing of jobs and as good as null employment caused a lot of pressure on people working from home, homes where confined the people were more, with lockdown seeming to never end came in vaccinations, each of the two doses in the span of two – three months, things started easing up with people with two doses that is full vaccination, on the other hand came the people who were working from office or hospitals of grocery stores etc.
These people were also high on stress as they were travelling amidst the pandemic, as they feared contracting the virus for their dear life, as they were travelling they feared transmitting the virus to their loved ones at home. a lot of people were lost during this fight with the virus, people working from home was faced the pressure of losing people but having to work from home regardless. Salaries of people were given late and home essentials were of short, people working from office feared traveling in trains and buses along with medical personnel. All of these were eventually pilling up to be a massive burnout to people working from home and people working from office.
This has held people to become psychologically distressed and put up their mental health on a toll, it is easy to develop a weak mind when faced with such adverse trauma, although now things are starting to get back to normal, work from home in some places still remains and things have now again started to go back to normal, covid 19 and the lockdown lasted for almost two good years and took a huge toll on peoples not only finances but also mental health, the nights of working with no breaks and being restricted to confinement with no ease to be seen and losing our loved ones was as taxing. People developed depression, anxiety from not being able to predict the future, and OCD to not contract the virus took its toll, job satisfaction of people was as good as null and the money which was either given or sometimes pending for months and sometimes even not given at all , with bills pilling and having to care for the sick ones at home, job satisfaction was out of question . the pandemic has been stressful for both not only work from home but also frontline wrokers who are risking their life’s in order to ours thus the pressure on them is also much leading to overworking causing burnout.
Literature review
People working from home have been facing several issues including anxiety and depression, studies have shown that employee performance has been hampered a lot in the midst of covid and that regulations must be made from the side of authorities in order to make their work easier, women are to be facing more than men with significance on their nature of caregiving, men have scored more higher in terms of positive wellbeing, than women. With that said women are more caring in nature than men and thus have to responsibility on not only working but also taking care of the kids and of the family at home thus managing at home, in employees at rate of anxiety and depression are at an all time high due to be the companies going bankrupt, and thus people over working in order to keep their positions in the companies maintained.
The authorities should make sure that they maintain a positive environment in meetings by making fun little quizzes as asking the workers about how they are doing in the pandemic and actually listen to them, they should encourage employees to take their paid time off and maintain a through boundry between private and professional life.(Kathryn mayer,2021).
women as higher in terms of stress in order to manage things at home and work and also to take care of kids, employee are facing high amount stress and anxiety causing depression , they is also proven to be an overlap between stress and anxiety with depression,
Depression rate has been and all time high due to confinement of people for work from home, for the people working outside there was always a risk of contracting the virus and infect family at all. (front.psycholgy,26 August 2021)
Loosing out on quality sleep and the anxiety caused due to work has left employees under a lot of stress, thus the depression resulting in the hampering of people work thus resulting is decreased performance.
Stress is noted to have a negative effect of behavioural and physiological and psychological status of the individual. the employees job satisfaction here is hampered and thus steps must be taken in order to provide the employees with comfort such as suggesting them to take the time off lunch and not check email for hours, covid has made put us in a difficult position to work with the amount of competition maintained to keep their jobs going. The people who are travelling for work during covid times risk not only themselves but also their families, their anxiety I also at an all time high.
Health care workers also include in this category, people working from home are surely not given restricted time frames to work thus officials should make sure that sufficient amount of grants are being given to the employees, the pressure on losing their jobs should be replaced with words of wisdom and assurity, the loss of motivation can be a major factor thus it has to be maintained and kept in mind by authorites, social support should to provided to employees.
Thus the term of “I am not working from home, I am living at work”. (sherrill w, Jennifer L, herman E, ND)
Futher moving on to statistics 42% of males reported to extremely positive wellbeings, and only around 11% of women reported positive wellbeing, employee performance is sure to be hampered with losing your very dear ones in the middle of the pandemic and working in confinement,
Health care professionals did also face a lot of adverse trauma in terms of longer working hours and having to work more than the clock permits, they were the frontline workers that were in middle of taking care of patients and taking care of the people at home they had to stay away from their closed ones in order to not risk them in terms of health, they too were in the most stressful of situations due to them being the first in contact with this deadly virus, thus their terms of anxiety and level of stress was really high and thus it was also reported that nurses majorly from different countries reported facing depression and burnout, nurses were working all through the clock and there were many cases that reported the violence of people in terms of violence towards health care professionals.
Special laws were to be created in order to safeguard the burnout in nurses such as periodic shifts in terms of exchange in shifts with other employees, and to be able to take time off work sufficient enough to get them going again and to handle situations efficiently, the situations were thus stressful and cause a lot of anxiety in nurses and also burnout, since the World Health organization had declared on January 30th 2019, a outbreak of a public health emergency the international concern, the symptoms were deadly and seeing the other doctors around the world also lose their lives to this virus it became a stressful situation for nurses and doctors to lose their collegues, severe stress has lead to severe workplace burnout and when nurses are exposed to high demand jobs and with low resources they experience symptoms of not only physical but also psychological distress, thus maintaining the mental health of nursing staff is essential to control infectious diseases.
Burnout can also cause negative emotions and dimmish the positive ones, some studies also state that mental health practitioners also suffer from burn out due to the physical mental and social pressure that they face at work, the working capacity of nurses and doctors has certainly gone down, thus help should be provided to them by authorites in order for social support from counselling psychologist, and protective measures for them against the rage of people shown on them. Superiors should make sure that they receive a proper amount of care including a good balance between nutritious food and a good sleep cycle and by reducing working shifts and the sources of stress and resolve them to manage not only the ongoing outbreak but also future pandemics, to give some kind of statistics around 17%- 41% nurses have shown the symptoms of depression and around 20-40% have shown signs of anxiety thus proper care should be taken of the frontline workers and their needs.
The people working from both at home and frontliners have suffered in this pandemic, some due to walls of confinements and some due to going out to battle in the virus, anxiety and depression have played a significant role and they are sought to overlap in terms of burnout, thus authories of both must make sure that sufficient amount of patience and care has been provided to both, and that help shall be provided to both when required so that it doesn’t lead to a burnout. (journal of education and health program, 2022).
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